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For long-term wealth building.
Globally diversified equity and bond portfolios. Optimized for different risk-return profiles.
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Professional portfolios with strong partners:
A mountain for every investment profile
Whether you’re a beginner and want to let your money grow with moderate risk, or you’re ready to take on higher risk. Our Mountain portfolios are suitable for every investment type and invest in over 800 companies worldwide, all of which also meet selected sustainability criteria.
Broadly diversified investments in over 800 companies and countries worldwide with a moderate risk-return ratio.
Mont Blanc
Well balanced investment with a worldwide investment horizon and a moderate risk-return ratio.
Invest in a global portfolio consisting of 70% equities and 30% bonds.
A higher risk/return ratio that is well diversified and has a global investment horizon.
Mount Everest
This portfolio invests globally broadly diversified almost exclusively in equities.
Coming soon
Stay up to date to our brand new portfolio release
You can invest in one portfolio or several at the same time.
Professional investment that pays off
Historical return of the Mountain portfolios
The award-winning app for your investment
- The Institut für Vermögensaufbau tests digital asset managers annually in the categories of profiling, investment strategy, return and service
- UnitPlus was awarded the highest rating of 5 stars in the independent 2023 study
- UnitPlus is committed to improve the saving, investing and paying experience in the furture even more
Start the most innovative investment in Germany.
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The return counts.
Investing with UnitPlus is not only innovative and addresses your individual lifestyle, but also profitable. Our return calculator shows you possible outcomes of our investments.
Get to know our return calculator and learn more about the UnitPlus portfolios and their potential performance.
Assumptions and risk disclosure
Bonds: 50%
Equities: 50%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 50%
Equities: 50%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 40%
Equities: 60%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 40%
Equities: 60%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 30%
Equities: 70%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 30%
Equities: 70%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 20%
Equities: 80%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 20%
Equities: 80%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 10%
Equities: 90%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Bonds: 10%
Equities: 90%
Risk note: The numbers are based on the actual and simulated return of the UnitPlus portfolios as of December 31, 2023. A historical return development does not allow any conclusions about a future return development. The investment of funds is associated with risks that can lead to total loss. The costs for the financial instruments and UnitPlus are not included in the analysis.
Your portfolio is always up to date
We keep a close eye on your portfolio so that you can sit back and relax. If your portfolio deviates too much from your initial weighting due to price movements, we automatically rebalance it. It’s that simple.
We value sustainability.
All ETFs in our UnitPlus portfolios fulfill specific
sustainability criteria. While selecting fitting ETFs for our
portfolios, we took environmental, social and governmental
criteria into consideration and compared over 200 ETFs with the
so-called ESG criteria.
Our portfolios are constructed in a way that stocks and bonds
from companies and states that are not sustainable according to
our criteria, are excluded from our investments.
By the way, it’s a widespread myth that sustainable investments must yield lower returns. Our portfolios are curated to not have a disadvantage compared to less sustainable investing opportunities.
The mountain series can be optimally combined with other investment strategies
In addition to your investment in one of the several portfolios in the mountain series, you also have access to all other UnitPlus investment strategies. This allows you to manage your money even more efficiently for your short and long-term goals in life.
More information about the portfolios, their global composition, and their earning power.
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