There was a lot to celebrate for UnitPlus in 2022. So, just in time for the end of the year, we want to review the most significant highlights and milestones with you today, give an outlook on further exciting developments in 2023, and, last but not least, thank you, dear users, for your trust and…
Usually, an increase in the inflation rate of 2 percent is considered beneficial for the economy. However, this year, the inflation rate rose far above this benchmark. As recently as October 2022, an inflation rate of 10.4 percent was announced. The high inflation rate means that your assets lose value. Therefore, in this article, we…
Alongside Elon Musk, Rihanna, and Mark Zuckerberg, the founding team of UnitPlus has also made it onto the cover of the current issue of founders magazine. In a fascinating interview, the founding team of Kerstin, Fabian, and Sebastien talk about why they founded UnitPlus, what the most significant challenges were, and explain their further goals…
You have probably heard of bull and bear markets. Bull and bear are symbols for positive and negative price developments on the stock market, respectively. When share prices rise in the long term, it’s called a bull market, and when they fall again, it’s called a bear market. Currently, we are in a bear market,…
Just one out of ten German women are invested in the capital market. We want to change this because we are convinced that women, just like men, should work on building up assets and be financially independent. To realise this mission, we have the help of a strong partner: Miss Germany Studios. You’re probably thinking,…