Can I lose money?

That is possible. If you invest your money in FestPlus, you can expect the current yield to maturity until the end of the term. As of today, this is 2.86% (16th of October 2024), provided that no bond in which FestPlus invests defaults (the so-called credit risk) This is unlikely, but cannot be ruled out. At the same time, no single bond in FestPlus can account for more than 3% of the investment amount, which represents an additional safety mechanism. In comparison, if money is invested in a traditional fixed-term deposit offered by a bank and this bank gets into payment difficulties, only the deposit protection up to €100,000 applies. If you sell FestPlus in whole or in part before the end of the term in September 2027, you may also incur losses due to fluctuations in the bond market (the so-called interest rate risk).

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