Why am I shown a yield of up to -0.01% on the first day after depositing with CashPlus?
Since we trade CashPlus for daily availability and timeliness on
the stock exchange, the so-called bid-ask spread also applies
here, as with any stock exchange transaction. At CashPlus, this is
around 1.68 basis points, or 0.0168%, which is very small. You
have to pay a bid-ask spread with every broker and also every
other investment. We have deliberately set up CashPlus in such a
way that it is very small here. For this reason, however, on the
first day the costs can be very slightly higher than the positive
interest income and the value can therefore be slightly negative.
From the second day, this changes.
However, as you may have noticed, we even give you 0.10% back as a
credit with every payment made through your UnitPlus card,
overcompensating for the bid-ask spread. This is also a plus for
your return, which you also get exclusively at UnitPlus. You don’t
have to worry about price fluctuations like with stocks or bonds –
these don’t occur with CashPlus.
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