UnitPlus in the press
Wie das weltweit erste Anlagekonto von UnitPlus funktioniert, erfahren Sie auf den folgenden Seiten.
Payment & Banking
Zahlen am POS mit ETF-Anteilen: Fintech UnitPlus legt los
Mit der Anlage-Konto-App von UnitPlus sollen Kund:innen ungenutztes Geld in ETF-Portfolios anlegen und daraus heraus bezahlen können.
‘I bought doughnuts with an ETF’: A tale from the frontline of wealthtech innovation
As ever, innovation will win out, especially if existing solutions result in disappointing outcomes for clients and customers. In terms of current accounts, people have tolerated poor interest rates for ages now. Add inflation to the picture, and we have the catalyst for new solutions.
Payment & Banking
Von diesen Fintechs werden wir 2022 sicher noch mehr hören
Das in Berlin beheimatete Fintech aus Berlin will, dass das zinslos auf Konten liegende Geld in ETF-Portfolios investiert und dennoch für Zahlungen genutzt wird.
Allerhöchste Zeit, findet der Unitplus-Gründer Fabian Mohr. Er will, dass Nutzer nicht nur ihr Geld in Aktiendepots anlegen, sondern auch gleich damit bezahlen. Die nächste Couch oder sogar der nächste Café Latte finanziert durch die Rendite der Apple-Aktie.
Fintech-Innovation: Mit ETFs im Supermarkt zahlen
Künftig können Anleger aus ihrem ETF-Depot per Kontokarte etwa Einkäufe bezahlen, wenn es mal nötig sein sollte. Ein Berliner Fintech und eine belgische Bank machen das möglich.
Das Berliner Startup Unitplus zum Beispiel lockt mit einer Konto-App, die Nutzer nicht nur ETFs besparen, sondern damit auch bezahlen lässt – etwa im Supermarkt.
Das Startup UnitPlus bietet eine Bankkarte an, deren ungenutztes Geld fortlaufend in ein ETF-Portfolio investiert wird.
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The founders.

is Co-Founder & CEO of UnitPlus and responsible for portfolio creation and strategic product development. Previously, he worked as a payment analyst for a renowned asset manager and gained experience in stock valuation and estimating the future viability of listed companies.

is Co-Founder & CFO of UnitPlus and responsible for finance & operations. With more than 6 years of experience in consulting for financial services, Kerstin has a deep understanding of asset management as well as strategy and organization of banks and FinTechs.

is Co-Founder & CTO of UnitPlus and responsible for the technical development of the product and features. He has more than 15 years of experience in software engineering, including 7 years as technical lead at Klarna, where he was responsible for up to half of the payment volumes for the DACH region.
Advisory Board

The former CTO of N26 and serial founder supports us with his experience in building startups and his strong network into the whole European startup world.

As one of Germany’s most distinguished and well-known portfolio managers, he was a member of the executive board at DWS and Berenberg, supporting UnitPlus in capital markets-related aspects.

Gathering experience at McKinsey, Commerzbank, and Deutsche Bank, the computer scientist and FinTech investor contributes her expertise in particular in the development of digital business models.

Bringing in decades of consulting and management experience in financial services as former senior partner at zeb and top manager, he knows how to structure banking and supports us with his strategic view.

After being the first CEO of Amazon Germany and stations at AxelSpringer as well as ProSiebenSat1 Group, the entrepreneur has extensive experience in scaling online business models, marketing & communications.

As a founding partner of an Israeli VC focused on female and minority founders, Shoshana has a wealth of experience in fundraising and building startups.