Miss Germany x UnitPlus: Strengthening women’s financial independence

2 min 52

Just one out of ten German women are invested in the capital market. We want to change this because we are convinced that women, just like men, should work on building up assets and be financially independent. To realise this mission, we have the help of a strong partner: Miss Germany Studios.

You’re probably thinking, “But wait a minute, isn’t this that beauty pageant?” Not anymore! Miss Germany has evolved over the last three years from a classic beauty contest to a first mover for ‘Female Empowerment,‘ offering a platform for women who want to take responsibility in society. This year, over 15,000 power women have already applied to Miss Germany.

Social responsibility and financial education go hand in hand

In addition to social responsibility, Miss Germany is also increasingly focusing on women’s financial independence so they can easily achieve their financial goals in life. Miss Germany Studio would like to realise this project with UnitPlus through a long-term partnership. With the help of workshops, coaching, and educational work, hurdles in finances will be broken down among the female applicants. As a result, they will be given more courage and security to make financial investments. 

Max Klemmer, CEO of Miss Germany, on the new partnership with UnitPlus: “Miss Germany sees itself as a partner of strong women. We believe independence and financial freedom are the strongest drivers for self-determined living. With UnitPlus, we have found the perfect partner and a great team to anchor these topics even stronger.”

UnitPlus will guide all female applicants on finance and investing

UnitPlus brings over 30 years of collective professional experience in finance and investment to its high-quality educational program with its three founders, Kerstin Schneider, Fabian Mohr, and Sebastien Segue. With its innovative investment account app, UnitPlus enables applicants to easily invest in professionally managed and sustainable portfolios. At the same time, the associated UnitPlus debit card can be used to make free payments any time around the world, along with one’s own ETF portfolio. 

“We want to achieve that every person in Germany deals with the topic of investing in a meaningful way. For this purpose, we have developed a new type of investment that is maximally simple and flexible. But, unfortunately, women in particular still invest too rarely. This must change urgently, and not only because of record inflation. With Miss Germany, we have found the perfect platform to show women the relevance of their own financial future. “, says co-founder Kerstin Schneider.

The partnership with Miss Germany sounds exciting, doesn’t it? We think so too! Of course, we will take you along on the joint journey on Instagram, our blog, and via newsletter.

Katharina Zurmuehlen