Which portfolio fits me best?

The UnitPlus portfolios are constructed with the help of a selective choice of exchange-traded index funds (so-called ETFs). The primary objective of portfolio construction at UnitPlus is to construct a broad diversification of investments, taking into account an adequate risk-return ratio and recognized sustainability criteria.

Currently, UnitPlus offers seven portfolio strategies. Five portfolios (our mountain series) follow an identical market strategy, but differ in the target weighting of the respective ETF components. This results in five different risk profiles that pursue the same investment policy but are at home in different risk-return ratios.

The sixth portfolio is an alternative to overnight money (FlexPlus) and invests exclusively in short-term European government bonds. The result is a portfolio that has a very low risk of loss, but at the same time a higher earning power compared to overnight money.

CashPlus is a portfolio that offers an interest rate of 3.48% (18th of September 2024) via the money market. This allows you to fully benefit from the interest rate development in Germany.

When you open your account, we will give you a decision guide based on your previous experience and your risk appetite. You can follow this suggestion, but you are also free to invest in one of the other portfolios. Furthermore, you can also activate as many additional portfolio strategies as you like in your UnitPlus app in parallel with your first investment strategy.

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