The UnitPlus portfolios have now been on the market for six months. Reason enough to take a closer look at their performance. We are particularly confident that two of our portfolios have outperformed the benchmark S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices with lower volatility over this period. But first things first. What do beautiful mountains and…
More and more often you hear or read about an imminent stagflation and its massive impact on the economy. What exactly is stagflation, why is it dangerous and what does it mean for your investment decisions, you will learn in this blog post.
Stock markets usually rise during the holidays. This phenomenon is known as the Santa Claus Rally. But is Christmas really the best time of the year for investors? Find out in this blog article.
Promises of high and fast profits when investing? Be suspicious. Again and again, investors are fooled. In this blog article you will learn which scams are used by fraudsters and how you can recognize reputable trading platforms.
Do you want to invest part of your savings in the stock market or capital market? But are you overwhelmed by the many different investment options? This blog article will help you decide whether a broker, neobroker, robo advisor, asset manager or neo asset manager is right for you.
Capital gains taxes – difficult subject. That’s why it’s even more important to better understand how taxes on dividends and capital market gains work. We’ll break the topic down as simply as possible so you can get a closer look.
You’ve been looking into investing money in the form of stocks, funds and ETFs and now you want to start investing? Now all you need are your “savings for a rainy day” and you’re ready to go. In this article, you’ll learn exactly what that is, why it’s so important, and how high it should be.
Germans are enthusiastic savers and love to accumulate money in their savings or checking accounts. Despite interest rates around zero, negative interest rates and inflation, very few people in Germany invest. What is it about Germans’ savings behavior?
Are you afraid to invest because of the risk of loss? The better you are informed and know the risks, the less you need to be afraid of them. In this article you will learn about the biggest risks in investing and how to deal with them.
Stocks fluctuate, that is virtually in their nature. When a stock market plunges by more than 10% in just one day, we call it a crash. Here we give you an overview of some of the darkest stock market days in history.
You’re thinking about investing some of your money lying around on the stock market. But the thought of fluctuating share prices and the associated risk keeps you away? In this article we explain why stock prices fluctuate in the first place.
You’ve probably heard the word inflation a lot – especially in the news – but what exactly is inflation, what does it do, and how does it affect your finances? We’ll explain it to you in this article.