Why You Should Invest in ETFs as a Young Person

4 min

Investing can seem intimidating, especially for young people who are just beginning to plan their financial future. However, long-term investments can offer significant benefits through the power of compound interest. This is where ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) come into play, providing a simple way to acquire a broadly diversified portfolio. In this article, I’ll explain why ETFs are an excellent option for young investors and introduce the UnitPlus Berg Series, a long-term investment product designed to help you build wealth over time.

What Are ETFs?

Think of ETFs as a collection of various investments—stocks, bonds, or other assets—that you can buy and sell on the stock exchange. By investing in an ETF, you get a small share of many investments, all bundled together in one package. This makes it easier to diversify your portfolio without needing a lot of money or expertise.

Why ETFs Are a Smart Choice for Young Investors

Easy Diversification – One of the main advantages of ETFs is their ability to spread risk across a variety of assets. Imagine investing in an ETF that includes the 500 largest U.S. companies. Even if some of these companies perform poorly, the positive performance of others will offset it. This way, an ETF reduces the impact of a single asset’s poor performance on your entire portfolio. This broad spread also provides a buffer against market fluctuations, making it easier for you to weather economic ups and downs.

Cost-Effective Investment – ETFs are generally known for their cost efficiency. Their management fees are typically lower than those of traditional mutual funds, as many ETFs are passively managed. This cost efficiency allows a larger portion of your investment to remain invested and grow over time. Additionally, the absence of high minimum deposits means you can start with a smaller amount and still benefit from potential investment gains.

Flexibility and Liquidity – ETFs are traded on exchanges like individual stocks, giving you the flexibility to buy and sell throughout the trading day. This liquidity ensures that you can quickly access your money, whether for unexpected expenses or new investment opportunities. For example, if you suddenly need to pay for a car repair, you can quickly sell your ETF shares to get the necessary funds.

Transparency and Simplicity – Another advantage is the transparency that ETFs offer. They regularly disclose their holdings, so you always know exactly what assets you’re invested in. This openness helps you make informed decisions. Moreover, ETFs are designed to track the performance of an index or sector, reducing the need for active management and making them a straightforward, low-maintenance investment option.

Why Start Early? 

Harnessing the Power of Compound Interest.Investing early in life can significantly boost your financial growth, thanks to the power of compound interest. When you start investing early, your money has more time to generate returns. As these returns accumulate, they begin to generate their own returns, creating a snowball effect that can greatly increase your wealth over time. This compounding effect becomes more powerful the earlier you start, making it a crucial factor for young investors looking to build substantial wealth.

Example: If you start investing €100 per month in ETFs at age 20, earning an average annual return of 7%, you could accumulate around €320,000 by age 65. In contrast, if you start at age 40, you would need to invest about €450 per month to reach the same amount by age 65. This difference clearly shows how powerful compound interest is over time.

Sustainability and Ethical Investing – Sustainability and ethical investing are important to many young people. UnitPlus offers ETFs that specifically invest in sustainable and ethically responsible companies. This way, you can not only profit but also make a positive contribution to society and the environment.

Learning and Adapting – Starting your investment journey at a young age offers invaluable opportunities for learning and growth. By making small investment decisions and seeing their outcomes, you gain practical knowledge and refine your financial strategy. Early mistakes, which are potentially minor, can provide important lessons without significantly impacting your long-term financial health. This experience helps you adapt and make more informed decisions over time.

Achieving Financial Goals – Starting early also plays a crucial role in achieving your long-term financial goals. Whether you want to buy a house, travel extensively, or start your own business, beginning your investment journey early can help you build the necessary funds to reach these goals. A well-managed investment portfolio not only supports these aspirations but also contributes to long-term financial security and independence.

How UnitPlus Makes It Easy

At UnitPlus, we understand that young investors need accessible and innovative solutions. We’ve developed the Berg Series, which offers smart, long-term investment portfolios that diversify globally to reduce risk. We also offer CashPlus, which combines a steady interest rate close to the European Central Bank’s key interest rate with the flexibility of a payment card. You can earn constant returns on your investments while enjoying the convenience of using your funds for everyday expenses. It’s a smart way to grow your money without sacrificing liquidity.


Investing in ETFs is a wise decision for young people. They offer diversification, low costs, flexibility, and simplicity—all essential elements for building a strong financial foundation.

If you’d like to share your thoughts with us or have any questions, we’d love to hear from you at: support@unitplus.eu.

Amelia von Salomon