World premiere: You can now activate Apple Pay for UnitPlus. This means that your UnitPlus portfolio can make payments even more securely and efficiently using your cell phone or smartwatch.
Find out exactly how to activate Apple Pay and where you can pay with it in this blog post.
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How to activate Apple Pay for UnitPlus
Setting up Apple Pay doesn’t even take a minute! You can connect your UnitPlus Mastercard debit card to Apple Pay in just a few steps. Here’s how it works:
For your iPhone:
1. open your settings
2. click on ‘Wallet & Apple Pay
3. tap on ‘add card’ and select ‘debit card
4. scroll down the bank selection, select ‘Add another card’ and follow the instructions
For your Apple Watch:
1. connect your iPhone to your Apple Watch
2. open the Watch and click on ‘Wallet
3. tap on ‘Add Card’ and select ‘Debit Card’
4. scroll down the bank selection, select ‘Add other cards’ and follow the instructions
How to pay with Apple Pay
You can use Apple Pay anywhere you see one of the two icons:

Meanwhile, payment is so convenient and fast with the iPhone or smartwatch at millions of stores:

Press the side button on your iPhone twice and hold your phone up to the card reader to pay. While doing so, look at the screen of your iPhone so you can use Face ID to approve the transaction. If you’re using an Apple Watch, press the side button twice and then hold your watch up to the card reader.
For online purchases:
During the checkout process, select Apple Pay as the payment method and make the payment using Face ID or Touch ID.
UnitPlus x Apple Pay: It’s a match
With Apple Pay, you now have the flexibility to pay anywhere with your UnitPlus portfolio. In the meantime, your money is invested wisely and sustainably in your portfolio. For the first time, it’s possible via UnitPlus to pay directly via Apple Pay with your money currently and actively working in the capital market. This is how innovation works.