Demystifying Money Market Funds

7 min

Money market funds are a crucial component of the financial system, providing liquidity and stability for various investors. This article explores what money markets are, the key players involved, and the benefits of investing in these funds.

What are Money Markets?

The money market is a vital segment of the financial markets, facilitating short-term borrowing, lending, and trading of highly liquid instruments with maturities typically under one year. This market is essential for providing short-term funding to financial institutions, corporations, and governments, enabling them to manage liquidity efficiently and meet immediate financial obligations. By ensuring quick access to capital and facilitating the smooth allocation of resources, money markets play a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and stability of the financial system, making them an important consideration for businesses and investors alike.

Some common examples of money market instruments include:

1. Treasury Bills (T-bills): Short-term government securities

2. Commercial Paper: Unsecured, short-term debt issued by companies.

3. Certificates of Deposit (CDs): Time deposits offered by banks

4. Repurchase Agreements (Repos): Short-term loans secured by collateral

5. Foreign Exchange Swaps (FX Swaps): Agreement to exchange currencies now and reverse later at a predetermined rate and time.

6. Overnight Index Swaps (OIS): Interest rate swaps where a fixed rate is exchanged for a floating overnight rate.

Who’s Who in the Money Market: Key Players Explained

The money market is like a bustling financial marketplace, and 4 main groups keep it humming:

1. Commercial Banks: The Daily Dealers

Commercial banks are the everyday traders in this market. They’re constantly:

– Borrowing money to keep their required cash reserves topped up

– Managing their short-term cash needs

– Putting extra money to work for quick gains

– Lending to and borrowing from other banks

– Creating and trading short-term IOUs (securities)

2. Money Market Mutual Funds: Your Gateway to the Market

Think of these as big money pools that let institutional investors and non-institutional investors dip their toes in:

– You put your money in the fund

– The fund uses that money to buy safe, short-term investments

– These investments could be anything traded on the money market – government IOUs, company IOUs, bank savings certificates etc.

– When these investments make money, the investors get their share in the form of dividends/returns.

UnitPlus Business’ new offering, UnitPlus Business, leverages Money Market Funds for its cash management solution as well.

3. Central Banks: The Market’s Puppet Masters

While they don’t buy and sell as much as the others, central banks pull the big strings:

– They conduct open market operations (OMOs) to manage liquidity by buying or selling government securities in the market.

– In tough times, they provide emergency funding to financial institutions to prevent liquidity crises and maintain stability in the system.

– Central banks intervene in the money market to ensure smooth functioning and to prevent excessive volatility that could disrupt economic stability

4. Corporations: The Cash Flow Champions

Corporations are key players in the money market, significantly contributing to its dynamics. Their involvement can account for 15%-20% of total market activity, depending on economic conditions.

– Large corporations are particularly active in issuing commercial paper.

– They utilize short-term debt to finance their working capital requirements.

– Corporations often engage in repurchase agreements to manage their liquidity needs.

– They invest excess cash reserves in money market instruments, such as Treasury bills, certificates of deposit (CDs), and repurchase agreements (repos).

Even though commercial banks, corporations and money market funds do most of the buying and selling, it’s the central banks that have the power to change the whole game.

How are Money Market Funds Different from Mutual Funds?

Money Market Funds

Mutual Funds

Type of investment

Invest in short-term, high quality, debt instruments like T-bills, Commercial paper and certificate of deposits

Invest in a wide range of securities including stocks, bonds, and other assets, depending on the fund’s strategy.

Risk Level

Generally considered one of the lowest-risk investment options.

Risk levels vary widely depending on the fund’s strategy, from conservative bond funds to aggressive growth stock funds.

Yield/Return Potential

Typically offer lower yields, often in line with prevailing short-term interest rates.

Have the potential for higher returns, especially for stock-focused funds, but also come with higher risk.


Highly liquid, often allowing same-day access to funds.

Generally liquid but may have restrictions on frequent trading or redemptions.

Use by investors

Often used for cash management, emergency funds, or as temporary holding place for money between investments. Also used as a substitute for corporate savings accounts.

Typically used for longer-term investing goals like retirement or education savings.

 Can YOU Access the Money Market?

In short, Yes. As a retail customer or small business, you can access the money market.

However, accessing money market funds can be challenging in some circumstances if you are not an institutional investor. Some reasons for this include:

High Minimum Investments: Many money market funds, especially institutional ones, require high minimum investments. For example, some institutional funds have minimum initial investments of $1 million or more, effectively excluding most small businesses and individual investors.

Limited Access to Institutional Funds: Institutional money market funds, which often offer higher yields, are typically not available to retail investors. These funds are designed for large corporations, government entities, and other institutional investors.

Regulatory Restrictions: Following the 2008 financial crisis, the SEC implemented reforms that created a distinction between retail and institutional money market funds. This further limited retail investors’ access to certain types of funds, particularly prime institutional money market funds.

Lower Yields for Retail Funds: Retail money market funds, which are more accessible to small investors, often offer lower yields compared to their institutional counterparts. This is partly due to higher operating expenses and the types of securities they can invest in.

Broker-Dealer Requirements: Some money market funds are only available through specific broker-dealers or financial institutions, which may have their own account minimums or requirements that can be prohibitive for smaller investors and time consuming.

While retail money market funds do exist and provide some access to money markets for smaller investors, the most attractive options in terms of yield and diversity of investments are often out of reach for small businesses and retail investors due to these factors. Luckily there is a way to surpass these hurdles, click here to know more and get easy access to these money market funds.

Recent Trends and Key Insights on Money Market Funds

1. MMF assets reach record highs

Money market funds have experienced significant global growth in recent years, with assets under management surging to unprecedented levels. In 2023, global MMF assets increased by 17% to reach $9.9 trillion, marking a record year for the sector. Breaking this down by region:

– The United States led this growth, with MMF AUM rising by 21% to $6.3 trillion, driven by investors seeking higher yields amid rising interest rates and bank deposit outflows following regional bank failures.

– Europe also saw substantial growth, with MMF assets increasing by 11% to €1.8 trillion.

– Notably, worldwide MMFs attracted record net inflows of almost €1.4 trillion in 2023, with approximately €1 trillion coming from U.S. investors alone.

This growth was particularly pronounced in the second half of 2023, as investors were drawn to the higher returns offered by MMFs compared to traditional bank deposits. The trend continued into early 2024, with MMFs seeing significant inflows in most regions, except for some outflows in the Asia-Pacific area, primarily due to China. This remarkable growth trajectory underscores the increasing popularity of MMFs as a liquid, relatively safe investment option.

2. How does an interest rate change affect money market funds?

The relationship between money market funds and interest rates is a crucial aspect to understand. Generally, MMFs tend to see increased inflows when interest rates rise, as they offer higher yields compared to other short-term investments. This correlation is particularly strong in Europe, where MMFs are more tightly linked to interest rate movements than in the US.

However, this relationship can break down when interest rates turn negative. For instance, European MMFs experienced significant inflows during periods of negative interest rates, as they were still able to offer relatively attractive yields compared to other investment options. This anomaly highlights the unique dynamics of MMFs in different economic environments.

3. MMFs are usually seen as safe havens in times of volatility 

Money market funds are often regarded as safe havens during periods of market volatility, as demonstrated by the chart below, which shows rising inflows into these funds during turbulent times. This perception stems from three primary factors: security, liquidity, and diversification.

These funds invest in low-risk, short-term debt instruments, prioritizing capital preservation while offering modest but steady returns compared to other market instruments such as stocks, high-risk mutual funds, bonds, and alternatives. Additionally, major industry players are now shifting their money from banks to money market funds to avoid concentration risk, especially in light of recent bank runs (recent collapse of SVB bank).

One of the key advantages of money market funds is also their high liquidity, which provides quick access to funds—a crucial feature in rapidly changing market conditions. Additionally, the diversification inherent in money market funds, achieved by spreading investments across various high-quality debt instruments, helps mitigate risk.The historical performance of money market funds during economic downturns has reinforced their reputation as a reliable investment option – they often exhibit a negative or low correlation with other assets during times of economic distress, further enhancing their appeal.

This combination of security, liquidity, and diversification makes money market funds an attractive option for investors seeking to safeguard their capital in the short term while navigating turbulent market conditions. However, it is important to note that no investment is entirely risk-free.

Benefits of Investing with UnitPlus Business Compared to Traditional Money Market Funds

1. User-Friendly: UnitPlus Business provides a streamlined account creation process along with an intuitive investment and redemption experience that requires no financial expertise. The platform is easy to understand and simple to implement, ensuring accessibility for all users.

2. No Minimum Investment Threshold: A unique advantage of UnitPlus Business is that it has no minimum investment requirement. Unlike most traditional money market funds, you can start investing with any amount, even a small sum. This allows you to enjoy the same benefits as larger investors, making it an inclusive option for businesses of all sizes.

3. Time Efficient: The onboarding, investment, and redemption processes are designed to be time-efficient, enabling you to start investing as soon as two days after beginning the registration process.

4. Personalized Approach: We take the time to understand your business and offer tailored advice on how UnitPlus Business can meet your specific cash management needs. You can book a personal consultation with our CEO to discuss your concerns and explore how our product can benefit your business.

5. Active Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to assist you with any issues or questions. We are committed to providing prompt and reliable support to ensure a seamless experience.


In summary, money market funds are essential for providing liquidity and stability within the financial ecosystem. Recent growth in these funds is driven by rising interest rates and increasing demand for low-risk investments.

While access can be challenging for retail investors due to high minimums and regulatory barriers, UnitPlus Business offers innovative solutions that make it easier for small businesses to enter this market without needing a large financial department. Whether you want to enhance your cash management strategy or achieve better returns, exploring money market funds can be a valuable addition to your financial portfolio. To learn more about how UnitPlus Business can help you access these benefits, visit our website or schedule a personal consultation with us.

Lakshmi Narayanan