When innovative investment meets high-yield portfolios

3 min

UnitPlus is being created to get the most out of investing and make investing as easy and usual as saving. However, to ensure that money can be invested efficiently in the capital market in the short and long term, the construction of portfolios takes on a decisive role. That’s why we’re taking a closer look at the 6 UnitPlus portfolios today. These all represent the most attractive and flexible way of investing money for the respective objective.

The UnitPlus Mountain Series: The Asset Mix Makes the Difference

The UnitPlus Mountain Series contains five portfolio strategies, ranging from moderate (Zugspitze and Mont Blanc) to higher risk-return (Matterhorn, Kilimanjaro, and Mount Everest). All portfolios are broadly diversified and invested in over 800 companies worldwide. Here, investments are not only made in equities but also in bonds. In the current changing interest rate environment, bonds can represent a diversifying addition to the portfolio and contribute to attractive interest coupons, i.e., interest payments. In this way, potential returns are realised worldwide, and the risks in the capital market are well diversified at the same time. 

Another unique feature is that all portfolios have been put together in accordance with the defined sustainability criteria – without generating weaker returns compared with non-sustainable portfolios. 

Although UnitPlus has been on the market for less than a year, it is possible to view its performance over the last few years using professional analysis tools. For example, the annual total return (consisting of share price development and dividend as well as interest payments) of the UnitPlus Berg portfolios is depicted below:

In the last 4 out of 5 years, all portfolios’ returns were positive and achieved a reduced risk through global investment diversification. Only in the challenging stock market year 2022 was the return negative. 

The same applies to the UnitPlus Portfolio Mount Everest, which currently has the highest risk category weighting. It invests 90% in global equities and 10% in bonds:

Although historical performance is not indicative of future performance, the achieved results in the past can be described as very positive. To ensure that the UnitPlus portfolios can continue to generate attractive returns in the future, they are constantly monitored and, if necessary, adjusted so that one is robustly invested in all market phases.

FlexPlus: Profiting efficiently from the interest rate turnaround with government bonds

Since the beginning of February 2023, investing in the FlexPlus portfolio has been possible, which invests exclusively in European government bonds with very high credit ratings. The trick behind it: While many banks do not pass on rising interest rates on checking and overnight accounts to savers, FlexPlus invests directly in short-dated bonds from 10 European countries. The interest coupons, i.e., the annual interest, at FlexPlus are usually significantly higher than the interest paid by banks and currently amount to over 3%. 

At the same time, FlexPlus is directly linked to international payment transactions and enables free payments worldwide. FlexPlus thus aims to combine the best of both worlds: the familiar flexibility of a checking account for payments and the profitability of a low-risk investment. 

Like all UnitPlus portfolios, FlexPlus is protected as a special asset in the custody account from the insolvency of our partner bank or even UnitPlus. As a result, the portfolios enjoy the highest level of investor protection and thus also protect amounts that exceed the statutory deposit protection of banks in the amount of €100,000.


In the next step, investing in several portfolio strategies simultaneously in the UnitPlus app will be possible. For example, it will then be possible to invest in FlexPlus, Matterhorn, and Mount Everest simultaneously. It will also be possible to create several savings plans in parallel. In addition, it will be flexibly possible to link the favoured portfolio to international payments via the UnitPlus Debit Mastercard, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

Risk Notice:

This article is not intended as an investment recommendation. Nor is it advice to buy or sell financial instruments. There are risks associated with capital market investments that can lead to a total loss. Historical earnings performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Fabian Mohr